2024-03-21 00:02:03
<p>A mysterious drug overdose at a posh Pasadena hotel leads our host and LA Times investigative reporter, Paul Pringle, into Los Angeles’ darkest corridors of power and wealth. Pringle discovers that the dean of the University of Southern California's medical school is leading a secret double life. As Pringle and his team at the LA Times untangle a sordid web of lies, drugs, and greed, they encounter obstacles and resistance at every turn—from USC, law enforcement and even within their own organization. <em>Fallen Angels </em>explores how money and privilege can corrupt our most important institutions and destroy people's lives.</p> <p><em>Fallen Angels: A Story of California Corruption is based on Pringle’s book, Bad City: Peril & Power in the City of Angels.</em></p>
He started talking about this incident that he witnessed.
He started telling me that there was a cover-up, drugs and officials cover-up.
He couldn't believe it.
From iHeart Podcasts.
It's like the police knew, it's like they knew who he was before they got here.
A story about money, power and corruption at the places we should trust the most.
The medical school dean at USC was leading a secret double life.
Is he breathing right now?
Yes, he's absolutely breathing.
I'm a doctor actually.
There's no way that that guy's a doctor.
I'm Paul Pringle and I'm an investigative reporter for the LA Times.
Harriet's not someone who's rattled, but there was something about the call that rattled
This is the story of an investigation that starts in a hotel room in Pasadena, California
and reaches all the way to the top of two of the most powerful institutions in the city
of Los Angeles.
When people fall in line, they fall in line.
Only a month or two after the investigation began, I received some strange visitors at
my house.
Hey, how did you find this out?
How did you link us together?
There were actually several instances that looking back, I realized, oh, everyone knew.
This is Fallen Angels, a story of California corruption.
As an investigative reporter, every story could be your last.
I had to get this story published.
Otherwise, it would just betray me why I'm a journalist in the first place.
He was just like real aggressively, let's go, let's get to the bottom of this.
Hey man, I've given you everything I could possibly give you.
We're always going to have predators.
It's the good people who stand by and do nothing that allow them to flourish.
Listen to Fallen Angels, a story of California corruption, starting March 28th on the iHeart
Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.