Episode 6: Sarah’s Story

2024-05-02 00:51:32

<p>A mysterious drug overdose at a posh Pasadena hotel leads our host and LA Times investigative reporter, Paul Pringle, into Los Angeles’ darkest corridors of power and wealth. Pringle discovers that the dean of the University of Southern California's medical school is leading a secret double life. As Pringle and his team at the LA Times untangle a sordid web of lies, drugs, and greed, they encounter obstacles and resistance at every turn—from USC, law enforcement and even within their own organization. <em>Fallen Angels </em>explores how money and privilege can corrupt our most important institutions and destroy people's lives.</p> <p><em>Fallen Angels: A Story of California Corruption is based on Pringle’s book, Bad City: Peril &amp; Power in the City of Angels.</em></p>

Speaker 8
[00:00.62 - 00:26.92]

Hi, it's Andrea Gunning, the host of Betrayal. I'm excited to announce that the Betrayal podcast is expanding. We are going to be releasing episodes weekly, every Thursday. Each week you'll hear brand new stories, firsthand accounts of shocking deception, broken trust, and the trail of destruction left behind. Listen to Betrayal Weekly on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 6
[00:31.60 - 00:35.32]

I'm John Walczak, host of the new podcast, Missing in Arizona.

Speaker 3
[00:35.58 - 00:38.14]

And I'm, Robert Fisher, one of the most wanted men in the world.

Speaker 6
[00:38.26 - 00:46.72]

We cloned his voice using AI. In 2001,, police say I killed my family and rigged my house to explode. Before escaping into the wilderness.

Speaker 2
[00:46.96 - 00:49.68]

Police believe he is alive and hiding somewhere.

Speaker 6
[00:50.08 - 00:54.00]

Join me. I'm going down in the cave. As I track down clues. I'm going to call the police and have you removed.

Speaker 1
[00:54.12 - 00:56.44]

Hunting. One of the most dangerous fugitives in the world.

Speaker 3
[00:56.62 - 00:58.94]

Robert Fisher. Do you recognize my voice?

Speaker 6
[00:58.94 - 01:05.80]

Listen to Missing in Arizona every Wednesday on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your favorite shows.

Speaker 3
[01:07.00 - 01:11.28]

In the early morning hours of September 6th, 2016,.

Speaker 8
[01:12.12 - 01:16.02]

St. Louis rapper and activist Darren Seals was found murdered.

Speaker 3
[01:16.30 - 01:25.48]

Every day, Darren would tell her, alright, ma, be prepared, they are going to try to kill me.

Speaker 8
[01:25.58 - 01:36.62]

All episodes available now. Listen to After the Uprising, The Murder of Darren Seals, on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 3
[01:37.48 - 02:00.20]

In 2009,, Mitrice Richardson was released from the Malibu Lost Hills Sheriff's Station, and she never made it home. Nearly a year later, Mitrice's remains were found in a canyon six miles from the station. Her death is Malibu's greatest unsolved mystery. I'm Dana Goodyear in Lost Hills, Dark Canyon. What happened to Mitrice Richardson?

[02:01.20 - 02:06.08]

Listen on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Speaker 2
[02:08.90 - 02:17.96]

Content warning. This episode contains talk of addiction. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, there are resources in our show. notes for today's episode.

[02:19.58 - 02:30.24]

This episode will feature legal declarations given by Sarah and Charles Warren. The voice of Sarah is read by Kat Protano, and the voice of Charles is read by Dylan Saunders.

Speaker 3
[02:35.18 - 02:54.76]

I had struggled with, like, drug and alcohol use since I was, like, younger, and I just, you know, I was really lost. We moved up to California, and I had started using meth, and my head just really wasn't screwed on straight.

Speaker 2
[02:55.42 - 03:00.60]

The first time I speak with Sarah Warren, she's in the car during an outing from rehab with her father, Paul.

[03:02.54 - 03:07.06]

He calls and puts Sarah on speaker. I ask her to start at the beginning.

Speaker 3
[03:07.68 - 03:41.14]

I think because of my drug use and everything, like, our family was fighting a lot, and I just, I wanted, I wanted out, and I thought running away would somehow fix it. I think I was just really kind of spiteful at the time, and I kind of wanted to, like, you know, like, fuck you to my parents. I'm going to, like, do something really crazy, and I just, like, got a lot more than I bargained for.

Speaker 2
[03:45.98 - 04:05.30]

And there was a lot Sarah didn't bargain for, especially when she got involved with Carmen Pulido, the dean of the medical school at USC. That relationship led to a cycle of drugs and rehab that had no end in sight, but now she's decided to talk on the record, so maybe there is a way out for her after all.

[04:06.82 - 04:27.20]

My name is Paul Pringle, and this is Fallen Angels. This is a story that started in a hotel room in Pasadena, and it ends with the undoing of some of the most powerful people in Los. Angeles. It's about influence and money, and the way they can eat away at people and make them look past things they know are very, very wrong.

[04:30.20 - 04:33.34]

This is Episode 6, Sarah's Story.

Speaker 3
[04:39.10 - 05:14.18]

I met Carmen Pulido, working as a prostitute. I had, like, a lady pimp at the time, who connected us through a website called Backpage that I was not aware I was even on. She had set up a profile, and he had his own profile on that site, found mine, and contacted who he thought was me, but it was really this woman. And then he came to a hotel room out in Rancho Cucamonga and met me there for the first time. That first night we used meth together, we had sex.

[05:17.84 - 05:56.76]

I got his number that night. I could tell he had money, because he just didn't, like, hesitate to give me more when I asked for it, and usually that was something that people would argue about. So from then on, he would contact me, not that lady, to come see, and it just escalated really, like, quickly to where, you know, he would take me out to dinner and pay me, like, money to go out to dinner with him. Afterwards, they always included, like, sex and meth. He was always excited to, like, try new drugs or bring his own drugs.

[06:01.60 - 06:30.08]

So at first, he would pay me, and then after, he would start buying me, like, laptops and, like, just, like, larger gifts. I would kind of just spend time with him, because he was giving me, like, so much. There came a time where he just, he has such a big personality that it really turned me off, and I had decided that I wasn't going to see him. And I stopped seeing for about two weeks.

Speaker 2
[06:31.18 - 06:43.96]

But then she found herself in a dangerous situation. A man she met online invited her to fly to Portland, Oregon, but when she met him there, he frightened her. She didn't have the money to get home, and she was not going to call her parents for help.

Speaker 3
[06:44.46 - 07:22.72]

I was desperate at the time, you know, and I just felt really unsafe at the situation. Like, the man was not who he said he was and, like, kind of turned violent, and I didn't know who to turn to, and I just, I knew Carmen would be the, he could afford to fly me back out, and I knew he would be interested, and so I called him, and he flew me back out to California and ended up putting me in the Hilton for a couple of months, and then later helping me get an apartment.

[07:27.98 - 07:28.50]


[07:33.40 - 07:48.00]

if he brought me, like, a large supply of heroin, you know, that was, like, $600, $700, but if he got, like, D, that's, like, more expensive, for if he brought, like, a stash of Roxy's, those are really expensive.

Speaker 2
[07:48.78 - 08:03.88]

Roxy's is a street name for a brand of voxycodone. Poliofido doesn't seem concerned about the money. He has a surgery practice, not to mention his job as dean of the medical school, though he didn't let either of those get in the way of a good time.

Speaker 3
[08:05.60 - 08:28.76]

His office was in, like, Beverly Hills, and he would most of the time come by after, but sometimes before. I remember one time that he was really late, and he was telling me about how, like, a doctor like him always makes his patients wait at least four hours, so he was late to seeing a patient because he was getting high.

Speaker 2
[08:32.32 - 08:39.92]

And poliofido didn't seem that concerned about keeping his two lives all that separate. He would sometimes bring Sarah to the Keck campus.

Speaker 3
[08:40.96 - 09:02.44]

There were times he would set up doctor's appointments for me at USD. He just introduced me to all. At first, he always says his niece, and I know it's, like, surprise, like, this 19-year-old niece or 20-year-old I've had. We used drugs, like, in the car. We were definitely both high.

[09:03.18 - 09:06.12]

One time, I think it was, like, 3 a.

[09:06.12 - 09:06.46]


[09:06.46 - 09:15.24]

, and we, like, went to his office and had a lot of fun. I mean, like, used drugs in his office and raided the T-shirts and stuff.

[09:19.06 - 09:37.84]

Methamphetamines, ecstasy, GHB, sometimes ketamine, sometimes, like, MDMA. Sometimes, like, I would always use heroin. And then later on, he started using heroin, too, pretty much anything.

Speaker 2
[09:38.22 - 09:44.34]

And Sarah confirms what her mother had told me about poliofido delivering drugs to her while she was in rehab.

Speaker 3
[09:45.40 - 10:18.40]

One rehab I actually got kicked out of, because he later came back and brought me champagne and, like, dildos and, like, Xanax bars. And then, like, 4 a.m. the next morning, he brought, like, meth and a torch. I think, if I, like, had I not been kicked out of creative care, I probably would have gotten sober sooner, you know? However, like, when he found me, like, I was a prostitute, just having sex with people for money.

[10:18.40 - 10:27.20]

So in a way, he, kind of, like, took me out of that seedy world and, like, put me into his own kind.

Speaker 2
[10:28.20 - 10:43.62]

These stories of poliofido enabling a recovering addict to relapse, these are the details that should force our editors to act. I asked Sarah to tell me what happened at the Hotel Constance, the incident that was my starting point for this story.

Speaker 3
[10:43.62 - 11:08.14]

So we were at the Hotel Constance, and I had stayed there the night prior. We were, you know, using, like, meth and heroin, and I also had, like, taken a drug called GHB. It was me and Carmen, and the night before, there was, like, another male escort there.

Speaker 2
[11:08.52 - 11:15.60]

A male escort for Sarah to have sex with, so poliofido could watch. According to Sarah, he's an avid voyeur.

Speaker 3
[11:16.00 - 11:54.76]

I just took way too much. He was on, like, escort websites, like, looking at male escorts to come in for us, and I was, like, getting ready. I was putting on makeup, and, like, right before I overdosed, he was just taking a lot of photos of me. I even have those photos now, and I can see in the photos that I was, like, starting to just heavily perspire. And then, right before I overdosed, he was, like, trying to have sex with me, and then I think I just, like, passed out.

[11:55.22 - 12:08.74]

And that's when I think he might have, like, left me alone for a while. But then we had to move hotel rooms because somebody wanted that room, and that's when they found out.

Speaker 2
[12:13.02 - 12:33.20]

The fact that they had to move hotel rooms may have saved Sarah's life. If they'd been able to stay in the room, she thinks poliofido, a practicing doctor, would have let her sleep off her overdose, and she may never have woken up again. Sarah also tells me that poliofido had made sure that the cops didn't find everything they had in the room.

Speaker 3
[12:33.62 - 12:53.94]

I think the police found the drugs. Well, they just found the meth, because Carmen, I guess, was able to hide the heroin, the bongs, some of the meth, and the Jeep. He hid it in the stairwell, like, a couple floors down in the stairwell, and when we went back to the hotel, we went and got it.

Speaker 2
[12:54.56 - 13:17.06]

Sarah and Carmen Poliofido had gone back to the hotel. That's news to me. Devon Kahn, the whistleblower who worked at the Hotel Constance, and who had first told me about what happened there, didn't have that detail. Sarah woke up 6 hours after her overdose, in the hospital. That same night, she and Poliofido returned to the hotel to continue their party in another room.

[13:18.64 - 13:34.98]

It says something about Poliofido's sense of his own invulnerability. Even though the police had questioned him, he wasn't worried about returning to the scene. And it gives you a feeling for his recklessness as well. Sarah had OD'd. But here they were again doing drugs.

Speaker 3
[13:35.52 - 14:01.24]

After I woke up, I was probably only in the hospital for, like, 30 minutes. They did a walk test, and then they released me. I called Carmen, and he came and picked me up, and we went back to the hotel and got another room, and went and got the drugs out of the stairwell. He was just so proud of himself.

Speaker 2
[14:02.04 - 14:14.36]

Sarah tells me that this is not the only time she ended up in the hospital after doing drugs given to her by the dean. Six months later, they're at the Balboa Bay Resort, a fancy waterfront hotel in Newport Beach.

Speaker 3
[14:14.56 - 14:35.62]

He gave me all the drugs. He watched me use them, but then he left when I, like, started spinning out. So this is, like, a meth overdose, or, like, technically, it was, like, a meth psychosis. So, like, it's not an overdose. Like, you fall asleep.

[14:35.86 - 14:50.98]

I went insane, and I was on the roof yelling. I was talking with, like, aliens and demons, and the world was ending, and I was, like, very violent.

Speaker 2
[14:50.98 - 14:57.28]

The hotel staff found her on the roof, screaming. They called the cops, who came with paramedics.

Speaker 3
[14:59.58 - 15:06.50]

The police came, and I was trying to fight them, and they had to sedate me.

Speaker 2
[15:11.82 - 15:29.84]

Sarah tells me there was someone else there that day, her sometimes boyfriend, a Huntington Beach DJ named Don Stokes. Stokes is 17 years older than Sarah, and, like her, struggling to beat a drug addiction. I ask Mary Ann and Paul Warren if they'll put me in touch with him, and they do.

[15:34.56 - 15:43.48]

Don Stokes and I meet for lunch at a family restaurant in Huntington Beach. So when did you first start to struggle with addiction?

Speaker 5
[15:44.62 - 16:01.52]

I believe it was somewhere in my mid-20s. I saw it in my eyes like a cup of coffee in the morning. to some people. Some folks can't function without that first cup of coffee. I would wake up, do a small amount of meth, and continue on with my day.

Speaker 2
[16:02.28 - 16:03.24]

And so how did you meet Sarah?

Speaker 5
[16:04.04 - 16:24.96]

At one of my shows, I showed up, and she was living at an apartment complex next door, and we started speaking, and she says, Yes, you're a cowboy, yes. You're honest, yes. You're self-employed, yes. These are not three traits that apparently women find together nowadays, and she couldn't believe it. I saw her as just learning and exploring life and being fun-loving again.

[16:25.94 - 16:30.22]

She was very young. I was in Sober Living. I was not using drugs.

Speaker 2
[16:30.88 - 16:44.20]

Don was in a Sober Living program in Orange County after getting arrested for drugs. It was a condition of his parole. But he didn't stay for long after meeting Sarah Warren, because, along with Sarah, came Carmen Pulido.

Speaker 5
[16:44.60 - 17:06.30]

I first met Carmen 3, 4 days later, after I met Sarah. She introduced him to me and was very elusive regarding who he was. He was a friend, is what I was told. I had no idea that he was supplementing her lifestyle by taking care of the rent, by taking care of a number of superfluous amenities, I'll call it.

Speaker 2
[17:07.06 - 17:09.72]

Superfluous amenities. Does that include the drugs?

Speaker 5
[17:10.42 - 17:26.88]

The drugs were just present, whether they came from her, whether they came from him, whether I brought some to the table because I had broken my own promise to myself at that point in time and started dabbling once again, even behind the backs of those that trusted me from the Sober Living.

Speaker 2
[17:27.36 - 17:44.74]

At first, Pulido tried to get rid of the new guy. He threatened to cut off Sarah's drugs and rent money if she didn't dump Don Stokes. But Sarah ignored him, so Pulido changed course, inviting Don to join them for their parties, like the one at the Balboa Bay Resort that ended with Sarah on the roof.

Speaker 5
[17:44.94 - 18:13.20]

I had been told that Sarah was going to be going into a treatment program of some type, and the date came where she was going to be going in. She said, OK, I'm going to be staying down in Newport. We're going to go get a hotel for a week, and you're welcome to come down. I've asked Carmen, and he says OK. So I informed the management at Sober Living that I was going to be staying elsewhere for the night and got a hall pass basically for the day and rode down there in an Uber.

[18:13.88 - 18:19.78]

When I arrived at the Balboa Bay Club, I was blown away. Beautiful place, very upscale. Went to the room,

[18:21.48 - 18:32.42]

and there was a huge water pipe. We're talking at least 3 foot tall, hand-blown glass, and I'd never seen one with an adapter to smoke methamphetamine syrup.

[18:34.20 - 19:03.28]

I got very, very high very quick, at which point in time Sarah starts getting louder and louder, and I said, I'm on probation at this juncture. OK, I need you to rein it in a bit, otherwise I'm going to have to leave because you're causing a disturbance. She's laughing uncontrollably and just slipping further and further into this different person. She wasn't talking to me anymore. She was talking to herself, to other voices in her head.

[19:06.04 - 19:37.52]

She starts yelling about how much meth is in the room. I said, I cannot be here for this. I got up, put my clothes on, and headed out the door. Called for a ride and stood on the corner of PCH and the street at Balboa waiting for my ride for well over 25, 30 minutes. In that span, I saw no less than a half dozen police units roll in to take Sarah into custody, as she was on the balcony and running through the hotel wearing nothing but a bathrobe, screaming about all the methamphetamines in the room.

[19:39.56 - 19:55.32]

That night, going back to the sober living, that I had told them I was going to be staying elsewhere, climbing onto the top rack of a bunk bed and being spun out like nobody's business. Obviously, I couldn't sleep. But to lay there, shaking, going, my God, I hope she's okay.

[20:01.24 - 20:23.16]

I was very concerned for her health, for her mental well-being, for her legal well-being as well in that scenario, because, again, she was being taken into custody. She was released the next day. Finally, I get her on the phone. She said, I'm really, truly sorry about putting you in that scenario. Myself, had I been there when the police arrived, I would have gone to prison for six years because I was on probation.

[20:26.90 - 20:55.44]

I was being kicked out of the sober living because I obviously tested dirty after that night. So I stayed for a few days in Sarah's old apartment and then literally packed up a couple bags and headed to the Phoenix house. In fact, I was informed while I was there that Carmen was paying for my storage and offered to do so. Just said, as long as you're pursuing your sobriety, I will help continue to pay for the storage unit. And I know that that unit was not cheap.

[20:55.76 - 20:59.58]

He spent several thousand dollars just to make sure that my personal belongings were there.

Speaker 2
[21:00.36 - 21:12.84]

Don saw this as Poliofido doing him a favor. But I'm not so sure. Don had seen a lot and Nadine had a lot to lose if Don talked. Paying for a storage unit would be a small price to pay for Don Stokes' silence.

Speaker 8
[21:20.26 - 21:48.26]

Hi, it's Andrea Gunning, host of Betrayal. I'm excited to announce that the Betrayal podcast is expanding. We are going to be releasing episodes weekly, every Thursday. Each week you'll hear brand new stories, firsthand, accounts of shocking deception, broken trust and the trail of destruction left behind. Stories about regaining a sense of safety, a handle on reality after your entire world is flipped upside down.

[21:49.06 - 21:51.62]

From unbelievable romantic betrayals.

Speaker 3
[21:52.68 - 21:58.94]

The love that was so real for me was always just a game for him.

Speaker 8
[21:59.46 - 22:01.12]

To betrayals in your own family.

Speaker 3
[22:01.22 - 22:05.02]

When I think about my dad, oh well, he is a sociopath.

Speaker 8
[22:05.14 - 22:06.18]

Financial betrayal.

Speaker 3
[22:06.72 - 22:09.86]

This is not even the part where he steals millions of dollars.

Speaker 8
[22:09.86 - 22:12.80]

And life or death deceptions.

Speaker 2
[22:13.62 - 22:19.26]

She's practicing how she's going to cry when the police calls her after they kill me.

Speaker 8
[22:20.88 - 22:26.24]

Listen to Betrayal Weekly on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 6
[22:26.96 - 22:30.70]

I'm John Walczak, host of the new podcast Missing in Arizona.

Speaker 3
[22:30.92 - 22:33.56]

And I'm, Robert Fisher, one of the most wanted men in the world.

Speaker 6
[22:33.64 - 22:37.30]

We cloned his voice using AI. In 2001..

Speaker 3
[22:37.54 - 22:40.54]

Police say I killed my family. First mom, then the kids.

Speaker 6
[22:40.66 - 22:43.28]

And rigged my house to explode. In a quiet suburb.

Speaker 3
[22:43.32 - 22:47.18]

This is the Beverly Hills of the valley. Before escaping into the wilderness.

Speaker 2
[22:47.34 - 22:49.90]

There was sleet and hail and snow coming down.

Speaker 3
[22:49.98 - 22:54.54]

They found my wife's SUV. Right on the reservation boundary. And my dog flew.

Speaker 1
[22:54.68 - 22:57.24]

All I can think of is him going to sniper me out of some tree.

Speaker 3
[22:57.38 - 22:58.14]

But not me.

Speaker 6
[22:58.26 - 23:02.20]

Police believe he is alive and hiding somewhere. For two years.

Speaker 5
[23:02.34 - 23:03.66]

They won't tell you anything.

Speaker 6
[23:03.76 - 23:06.94]

I've traveled the nation. I'm going down in the cave. Tracking down clues.

Speaker 2
[23:06.94 - 23:12.62]

They were thinking that I picked him up and took him somewhere. If you keep asking me this, I'm going to call the police and have you removed.

Speaker 6
[23:12.82 - 23:14.08]

Searching for Robert Fisher.

Speaker 1
[23:14.18 - 23:16.18]

One of the most dangerous fugitives in the world.

Speaker 3
[23:16.36 - 23:17.82]

Do you recognize my voice?

Speaker 2
[23:18.12 - 23:19.32]

Join an exploding house.

Speaker 6
[23:19.38 - 23:19.80]

The hunt.

Speaker 2
[23:19.98 - 23:20.92]

Family annihilation.

Speaker 3
[23:21.08 - 23:21.26]


Speaker 2
[23:21.48 - 23:22.62]

And a disappearing act.

Speaker 6
[23:22.74 - 23:29.36]

Listen to Missing in Arizona every Wednesday on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your favorite shows.

Speaker 5
[23:35.14 - 23:39.68]

Back in 1969, this was the hottest song around.

Speaker 3
[23:40.46 - 23:43.48]

It's the time of the season.

Speaker 5
[23:43.66 - 23:46.76]

So hot, that some guys from Michigan tried to steal it.

Speaker 6
[23:46.78 - 23:48.00]

The weather runs high.

Unknown Speaker
[23:50.56 - 23:56.84]

It's the time of the season for love.

Speaker 5
[23:56.98 - 24:03.92]

My name is Daniel Ralston. For 10 years, I've been obsessed with one of the most bizarre and audacious cons in rock and roll history.

Speaker 2
[24:04.52 - 24:09.80]

A group would have a hit record, and quickly. they would hire a bunch of guys to go out and be the group.

Speaker 3
[24:09.94 - 24:11.94]

People were being cheated on several levels.

Speaker 5
[24:15.10 - 24:19.98]

After years of searching, we bring you the true story of the fake zombies.

Speaker 2
[24:20.60 - 24:22.24]

I was like blown away.

Speaker 5
[24:22.70 - 24:24.60]

These guys are not going to get away with it.

Speaker 6
[24:24.60 - 24:43.00]

Listen to the true story of the fake zombies on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. From the writer of Amazon Prime's Red, White, and Royal Blue comes a hilarious and demented new audio mystery. Does this murder make me look gay? Master Vandy is dead!

Speaker 2
[24:43.16 - 24:48.76]

Then it's probable that whoever killed Vandy is in this very room.

Speaker 3
[24:49.04 - 24:51.82]

Lock her up. Lock her up.

Speaker 2
[24:51.82 - 24:54.86]

You killed your daddy. You don't get anything fizzy.

Speaker 5
[24:54.94 - 24:56.16]

911, what's your emergency?

Speaker 2
[24:56.56 - 25:01.20]

I'm in the Monroe Estate, and I just caught a murderer. Yes, I'll hold.

Speaker 6
[25:01.52 - 25:18.96]

Featuring the star-studded talents of Michael Urie, Jonathan Freeman, Douglas Sills, Cheyenne, Jackson, Robin de Jesus, Frankie Grande, Sean Patrick Doyle, Brad Oscar, Nathan Lee Graham, Seth Rudetsky, Leah Delaria, Lea Salonga, and Kate McKinnon as Angela Lansferry.

Speaker 3
[25:20.10 - 25:22.00]

Lick them. Lick those toesies.

Speaker 6
[25:23.70 - 25:32.36]

Listen to. Does This Murder? Make Me Look Gay? as part of the Outspoken Network, on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 3
[25:35.96 - 26:27.26]

I was facing jail time, and I needed to get this community service, this community labor, done, so I broke it off. As much fun, and I use fun very loosely, as everything was. having him touch me and having to be intimate with him was by far the hardest aspect of all this. Because I'm not attracted to him, you know? And you know, I loved that lifestyle, but I also really, like, hated it, because it felt like he was really obsessed with me, and he really couldn't understand why I wanted, like, other people and not him.

[26:28.52 - 26:34.96]

Right before I went into rehab for this final time, we were talking about looking at houses and stuff.

[26:37.96 - 27:14.72]

I knew that I was just—was unhappy, and I knew he had to get out of my life for me to get sober. I went into detox November 29th of 2016,, and that's the last time I saw him. Well, I take that back. He came to my community labor one day, and I saw him from afar, but I, like, you know, told my supervisor that, like, I do not want to see this man, and, like, you need to tell him to leave.

Speaker 2
[27:24.00 - 27:43.96]

Sarah's out of rehab, almost five months sober, and wants to tell her story. And she encourages her teenage brother to talk to me, too. I heard a little about Pulido's involvement with Charles Warren from his mother, Mary Ann, but Charles has a lot more to say. Again, these are his words from an official transcript read by an actor.

Speaker 7
[27:45.00 - 28:27.10]

My initial encounter with Dr. Carmen Pulido would be about the age—at approximately the age 17.. My sister had invited me over to one of the many apartments that she had gotten over the course of time that she had spent with him, and he, you know, he was just a surprising character. He was a 65-year-old guy that partied, like, harder than I had ever seen anybody my age party. He took methamphetamine to a whole—another level.

[28:27.97 - 28:51.84]

He would go to liquor stores and bring me with him, buy kegs of beer. My first encounter was when he was providing me with nitrous oxide and other substances, such as marijuana, Xanax. There was ecstasy involved, and there was also heroin.

Speaker 2
[28:52.44 - 29:01.82]

Again, Pulido didn't bother to keep the two sides of his life apart. He would sometimes be partying with 17-year-old Charles Warren, but would still take work calls.

Speaker 7
[29:02.96 - 29:28.30]

He would answer calls, and then he'd be like, all right, this girl really wants to suck my dick, be quiet, so I'm going to answer this. And I went to his office as well. I was taken down to the bookstore by his secretary, who was an Asian woman, and she seemed equally as scared of me as she seemed of Carmen, which really made me uncomfortable.

[29:31.94 - 30:22.02]

Every time I saw him, if I was home alone at the house and I wanted something, I could call him up, and he would send a package that's filled with alcohol, even ecstasy at the time, if I was asking for it, and definitely marijuana. He would give it to an Uber driver and say it's important medical supplies or it's important school supplies that need to get there immediately, send it over from Pasadena to me. He had a metal box that he would keep drugs in, and there's a felt lining, and he keeps his emergency stash of meth under the felt lining, so you can go in there with a knife and prop up the felt lining and get under there, and there'll be meth under there, guaranteed.

Speaker 2
[30:27.58 - 30:53.66]

What I hear from Charles Ward makes for the most damning allegations against Poliofido. yet, since Charles was a minor, when Poliofido first gave him drugs. Devon Maharaj, the editor-in-chief of the LA Times, had told me he was, quote, open to more reporting when he killed the first Poliofido story. I didn't believe that, but either way, this is more reporting. Now the team and I go to work to get this story into the paper.

[30:57.22 - 31:20.88]

Reporter, Harriet Ryan, writes a draft that includes this explosive new material. We submit the revised draft to California editor Shelby Grad, who agrees it's ready for the top editors. He sends it on to the number two editor of the paper, Mark Duvason. I also send Mark an email saying we need to get this published as soon as possible. My sense of urgency isn't just because it's taken nearly a year to get to this point.

[31:21.62 - 31:44.46]

I've talked to two medical ethicists who told me that the Times has an obligation to disclose the information about Poliofido promptly, because he's still treating people. Sarah Warren told me he would see patients while he was high. Mark writes back, quote, the new and much improved story was given to me a few days ago, I read it last night, we'll read it again tonight, and we'll follow up with any questions.

[31:51.18 - 31:54.96]

Shelby Grad's edits are straightforward, but Mark keeps dithering.

Speaker 3
[31:56.12 - 32:11.16]

Just sort of a ping pong back and forth, of editing, adding details, adding explanations, taking some things out that they thought we might not need, restructuring here and there. It was a very contentious process.

Speaker 2
[32:11.32 - 32:12.64]

Reporter Sarah Parghini.

Speaker 3
[32:12.64 - 32:53.94]

Any journalist, any reporter or editor could tell you that at times, especially when it comes to an investigation, the editing process isn't always fun. But it was the first time, in my experience, where it wasn't just the sort of standard back and forth editing process of like. maybe you get a little bit angry at the editor or the editor might think like you are not seeing clearly on something and you sort of have a little bit of a bicker about that. It was just a actually contentious process that was upsetting.

Speaker 2
[32:55.22 - 33:16.48]

Shelby tells us the story is at the final stage of lawyering for publication. But days pass with still no word from Shelby's boss, Mark. I'm so frustrated that I tell the Times Legal Counsel that if the story is killed again, I'll complain to HR. Not long after that, Mark tells me to come to his office. I've never seen him so angry.

[33:16.96 - 33:23.88]

He slaps his desk and jabs his fingers at me. The newsroom handles its own problems, he says. We do not involve HR.

[33:26.22 - 33:55.08]

It seems like for Mark, I've crossed a line. He takes the story away from Shelby, who's been working with us for months, and gives it to the paper's new investigations editor, Matt Doig, who was just recently hired. Reporter Matt Hamilton. Suddenly, it's being kind of diverted to this other editor who has just arrived, has no idea how we've gotten to this point. And it felt like a delay tactic, frankly.

[33:55.74 - 34:16.68]

The edits came back in increments. And there were edits, there were questions, there were requests to tighten certain sentences or cut or move. But we addressed those really quickly. I mean, almost within hours of getting the edits, we immediately turned it around. And it's like back into that very slow waiting period.

[34:18.04 - 34:23.30]

Reporter Adam Elmarik is dumbfounded by this new editor's judgments about the story.

Speaker 4
[34:23.64 - 34:51.38]

He took the draft and he basically threw it out and suggested his own draft that he thought would be better to publish. And we looked at it and we just thought it was not publishable, that it wasn't up to the standards of the L.A. Times. There were certain things that were, that, just right off the bat, didn't make sense. He wanted to take Sarah Warren off the record.

[34:51.88 - 35:20.02]

Sarah Warren was an on-the-record cooperative source, our most important source in the story. He wanted to take her off the record because, well, one day she might be 35 and want to get a real job. And this will come back to haunt her, was his rationale. I'd never really encountered that before, where an editor says, let's take a main cooperating source who has no problem being on the record. Let's take that person and put them off the record.

[35:20.50 - 35:49.24]

That was just flabbergasting to me. Another thing was he tried to refer to Pulido as somebody who's not a public figure. There was a sentence in there that said something. like, you know, the Times doesn't normally write about people who are not public figures or government officials as far as like their private lives. And it was one of those things where it's like, wow, you're kind of like giving Pulido his own legal defense here.

[35:49.36 - 35:51.26]

You're just opening it up for him.

Speaker 2
[35:51.26 - 36:23.18]

When you have this kind of bulletproof, well-reported story that has taken a lot of resources sitting in the queue, you're like, what the hell is going on? Separating out the public health concerns, the public interest concerns, like, well, he's still seeing patients. Sarah Warren's still trying to deal with her drug addiction. The sources are pressing for progress, and yet it waits. I can't convey how.

[36:23.18 - 36:30.00]

each day it goes unpublished, intensifies the frustrations and angers of this team of people.

[36:31.72 - 36:51.72]

The back and forth with Mark Duvison and editor Matt Doy goes on for months. I noticed that the story won't run during the L.A. Times Festival of Books, which is hosted by USC. It doesn't run during USC's May commencement ceremonies. I hear from a longtime confidential source at USC, a person I call Tommy Trojan.

[36:52.38 - 37:21.10]

He tells me that there are rumblings among Nikias's lieutenants about an embarrassing story that might be coming, but not until after the end of the school year. How anyone at USC could know that is beyond me. My fear is that it's being leaked directly from the newsroom. We keep trying to address the edits to our draft that seem designed to downplay poliofetals' crimes or any hint of a cover-up by USC. The section on USC's poaching of the Alzheimer's researcher is cut in half.

[37:21.74 - 37:25.60]

Our reporting in two of poliofetals' criminal associates is cut for no reason.

Speaker 4
[37:26.08 - 37:42.56]

So we kind of had to comb through this draft to see, well, what has been cut? There were a couple of key cuts that were like, wow, I don't think we can let this pass. One of them was the whistleblower. There was a whistleblower who had called the USC president's office.

Speaker 2
[37:42.98 - 37:44.78]

The whistleblower is Devon Kahn.

Speaker 4
[37:45.18 - 38:15.16]

He was cut from the draft, which was really disheartening, because this is the only indication that we had that USC knew that poliofetal was in the presence of a young woman who had overdosed on tellerine. That was being taken out, which was something that we couldn't really allow that to happen. We emailed Mark and we said we have some concerns about this draft in terms of holding USC accountable. We outlined maybe some other concerns and we asked to have a meeting.

Speaker 2
[38:15.50 - 38:24.92]

The reporting team, Harriet, Sarah, Adam, Matt, and me all agree that this is one cut too far, that Devon Kahn has to stay in the story.

Speaker 8
[38:31.38 - 38:59.34]

Hi, it's Andrea Gunning, host of Betrayal. I'm excited to announce that the Betrayal podcast is expanding. We are going to be releasing episodes weekly, every Thursday. Each week, you'll hear brand new stories, firsthand, accounts of shocking deception, broken trust, and the trail of destruction left behind. Stories about regaining a sense of safety, a handle on reality after your entire world is flipped upside down.

[39:00.24 - 39:02.80]

From unbelievable romantic betrayals.

Speaker 3
[39:03.82 - 39:10.04]

The love that was so real for me was always just a game for him.

Speaker 8
[39:10.50 - 39:12.24]

To betrayals in your own family.

Speaker 3
[39:12.32 - 39:16.12]

When I think about my dad, oh, well, he is a sociopath.

Speaker 8
[39:16.26 - 39:17.28]

Financial betrayal.

Speaker 3
[39:17.86 - 39:20.96]

This is not even the part where he steals millions of dollars.

Speaker 8
[39:20.96 - 39:23.92]

And life or death deceptions.

Speaker 2
[39:24.72 - 39:30.32]

She's practicing how she's going to cry when the police calls her after they kill me.

Speaker 8
[39:32.00 - 39:37.34]

Listen to Betrayal Weekly on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 6
[39:38.08 - 39:41.80]

I'm John Walczak, host of the new podcast, Missing in Arizona.

Speaker 3
[39:42.04 - 39:44.66]

And I'm, Robert Fisher, one of the most wanted men in the world.

Speaker 6
[39:44.76 - 39:48.38]

We cloned his voice using AI. In 2001..

Speaker 3
[39:48.64 - 39:51.66]

Police say I killed my family. First mom, then the kids.

Speaker 6
[39:51.76 - 39:54.38]

And rigged my house to explode. In a quiet suburb.

Speaker 3
[39:54.40 - 39:58.30]

This is the Beverly Hills of the valley. Before escaping into the wilderness.

Speaker 2
[39:58.44 - 40:00.98]

There was sleet and hail and snow coming down.

Speaker 3
[40:01.08 - 40:02.64]

They found my wife's SUV.

Speaker 2
[40:02.84 - 40:04.38]

Right on the reservation boundary.

Speaker 3
[40:04.66 - 40:05.64]

And my dog flew.

Speaker 1
[40:05.78 - 40:08.32]

All I could think of is he was going to sniper me out of some tree.

Speaker 3
[40:08.48 - 40:09.26]

But not me.

Speaker 6
[40:09.38 - 40:13.34]

Police believe he is alive and hiding somewhere. For two years.

Speaker 5
[40:13.44 - 40:14.74]

They won't tell you anything.

Speaker 6
[40:14.88 - 40:18.06]

I've traveled the nation. I'm going down in the cave. Tracking down clues.

Speaker 2
[40:18.06 - 40:20.96]

They were thinking that I picked him up and took him somewhere.

Speaker 3
[40:21.12 - 40:23.74]

If you keep asking me this, I'm going to call the police and have you removed.

Speaker 6
[40:23.94 - 40:25.18]

Searching for Robert Fisher.

Speaker 1
[40:25.30 - 40:27.26]

One of the most dangerous fugitives in the world.

Speaker 3
[40:27.46 - 40:28.92]

Do you recognize my voice?

Speaker 2
[40:29.24 - 40:30.42]

Join an exploding house.

Speaker 6
[40:30.48 - 40:30.90]

The hunt.

Speaker 2
[40:31.10 - 40:32.02]

Family annihilation.

Speaker 6
[40:32.18 - 40:32.38]


Speaker 2
[40:32.64 - 40:33.72]

And a disappearing act.

Speaker 6
[40:33.84 - 40:40.48]

Listen to Missing in Arizona every Wednesday on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your favorite shows.

Speaker 5
[40:46.24 - 40:54.62]

Back in 1969, this was the hottest song around. It's the time of the season.

Speaker 2
[40:54.80 - 41:01.30]

So hot, that some guys from Michigan tried to steal it. It runs high, high, high, high.

Unknown Speaker
[41:01.84 - 41:07.96]

It's the time of the season for love.

Speaker 5
[41:08.08 - 41:15.04]

My name is Daniel Ralston. For 10 years, I've been obsessed with one of the most bizarre and audacious cons in rock and roll history.

Speaker 2
[41:15.62 - 41:20.90]

A group would have a hit record, and quickly. they would hire a bunch of guys to go out and be the group.

Speaker 3
[41:21.06 - 41:23.04]

People were being cheated on several levels.

Speaker 5
[41:26.24 - 41:31.08]

After years of searching, we bring you the true story of the fake zombies.

Speaker 2
[41:31.74 - 41:33.34]

I was like blown away.

Speaker 5
[41:33.84 - 41:41.96]

These guys are not going to get away with it. Listen to the true story of the fake zombies on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 6
[41:43.20 - 41:54.12]

From the writer of Amazon Prime's Red, White, and Royal Blue comes a hilarious and demented new audio mystery. Does this murder make me look gay? Master Vandy is dead!

Speaker 2
[41:54.28 - 41:59.82]

Then it's probable that whoever killed Vandy is in this very room.

Speaker 3
[42:00.18 - 42:02.94]

Lock her up. Lock her up.

Speaker 2
[42:02.94 - 42:05.96]

You killed your daddy. You don't get anything fizzy.

Speaker 1
[42:06.04 - 42:07.30]

911, what's your emergency?

Speaker 2
[42:07.66 - 42:12.32]

I'm in the Monroe Estate, and I just caught a murderer. Yes, I'll hold.

Speaker 6
[42:12.64 - 42:30.06]

Featuring the star-studded talents of Michael Urie, Jonathan Freeman, Douglas Sills, Cheyenne, Jackson, Robin de Jesus, Frankie Grande, Sean Patrick Doyle, Brad Oscar, Nathan Lee Graham, Seth Rudetsky, Leah Delaria, Lea Salonga, and Kate McKinnon as Angela Lansferry.

Speaker 3
[42:31.16 - 42:33.12]

Lick them. Lick those toesies.

Speaker 6
[42:34.76 - 42:43.52]

Listen to. Does This Murder? Make Me Look Gay? as part of the Outspoken Network, on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 2
[42:52.94 - 42:53.94]

Harriet Ryan.

Speaker 1
[42:54.40 - 43:13.92]

We all worked in a part of the LA Times old newsroom that was called Baja. The newsrooms arranged like California. And so when you get far away from the city desk and the big offices, you get into Baja and then Cabo, like way out in the end of the building. And so we all worked out there. And so we could talk over our cubicles and stuff.

[43:14.04 - 43:28.34]

But we were going down to meet with the big bosses. We would walk down this like long corridor that went past all of our colleagues to the big glass offices. People would watch you move. And there's like five of us. And so it's like this huge group going down.

[43:28.44 - 43:39.36]

And like the eyes of the newsroom are on you. And they're just like, what's going on? So we go into Mark Dubasan's office. It's glass on two sides, view of the city desk. He's sitting behind his desk.

[43:39.68 - 43:42.60]

And then there's Matt Doig sitting in front of his desk.

Speaker 4
[43:43.42 - 43:58.08]

We talk about the whistleblower and how he's being cut. Mark just kept saying, well, you don't have a second corroborating source. It was not. This is a really important fact to holding USC accountable in this story. This is an indication that USC knew what was going on.

[43:58.90 - 44:09.10]

How do we beef this up? Or how do we make this even stronger? It was just, no, we need to cut it. You don't have a secondary source. We just need to get rid of it.

[44:11.30 - 44:33.04]

This was a very critical, uncomfortable truth in this story. That USC potentially knew about Pulido's conduct. And so to cut that was, it just betrayed what I thought was our mission in journalism. And so I think cutting the whistleblowers is unethical and I can't stand by it.

Speaker 1
[44:33.26 - 44:53.98]

It just got more and more tense to the point where I remember being told to stop shouting. Paul and I had had such scarring experiences with the management that we were just like, we're ready to go. We're ready to fight at any point. because of what we'd seen in the past. It was just clear they were going to try to take this guy out.

[44:54.12 - 45:18.64]

And you take him out, you're taking out the accountability on USC. We're writing about this guy because of who USC is, not because of who he is. And we're starting to grasp they're going to try to just gut the main point in the story. And then Mark says, guys, guys, whether this is it or not, this is already going to be the worst day of Max McKeith's career.

Speaker 4
[45:21.74 - 45:53.62]

It was a surreal moment. Why do we care whether this is already going to be the worst day of Max McKeith's life? What is the implication of that, that we should ease up on USC because it's already going to be a bad day for them? Up to then, and since then, I've never heard anyone say on an investigative story about a powerful institution, you know what, guys, this is already going to be the worst day of so-and-so politician's life. So let's just excise a couple of bad facts that they wouldn't like to be out there.

Speaker 2
[45:54.52 - 46:14.24]

Our investigation is filled with bad facts about Poliofido, about the leadership of USC. We have bad facts confirmed in court records, through videos and photos, in 911 recordings, with witnesses and on-the-record interviews. But it seems like our editors want to get rid of the one bad fact that looks the worst for USC.

Speaker 1
[46:14.60 - 46:43.90]

I had this sense of just like blood rushing in my ears because I was so frustrated. And I not knowing whether I wanted to scream or burst into tears, that this thing was happening again. When I think about the glass on Mark's walls, I just picture it just sort of like pulsating with like the rage and frustration in that room. It was a turning point. I just remember saying, OK, if that's your decision, we need to go talk, because we're going to decide what we're going to do.

[46:44.34 - 46:49.44]

And that's code, for we're taking our names off the story. That's a huge deal, because they're not going to run the story without our names.

Speaker 2
[46:51.12 - 46:58.04]

The meeting has left all of us more determined to restore Devon Kahn to the story, determined to get the story into the paper.

Speaker 4
[46:58.54 - 47:01.52]

There was no way for the story not to be run.

Speaker 2
[47:02.02 - 47:04.42]

These bad facts have to see the light of day.

[47:06.92 - 47:17.14]

Devon Maharaj, Mark Duvison and Matt Doig deny that they did anything wrong in their handling of the USC investigation, and they maintain that any negative portrayal of their actions is false.

[47:20.58 - 47:25.64]

Next time on Fallen Angels, our fight to publish reaches a boiling point at the L.

[47:25.64 - 47:25.76]


Speaker 1
[47:25.84 - 47:35.54]

Times. She was just like real, aggressive, like, let's go, let's get to the bottom of this. And here was like a person in power, saying like, OK, that's not OK. Nobody should speak to you that way.

Speaker 2
[47:36.18 - 47:47.74]

But our sources are starting to lose faith. At the time, I'm like, hey, man, I've given you everything I could possibly give you. What is this? And we discover that Sarah Warren is not alone.

Speaker 3
[47:47.96 - 48:04.40]

Doro's like, oh, this is my friend, Carm. I mean, in a million years, looking at this man, I would never have believed he was the dean of USC Medical. It's insane. My parents started contacting the police about what was going on.

Speaker 2
[48:04.90 - 48:07.54]

That's next time on Fallen Angels.

[48:14.08 - 48:35.28]

Fallen Angels, the story of California corruption, is a production of iHeart Podcast in partnership with Best Case Studios. I'm Paul Pringle. This show is based on my book, Bad City, Peril and Power in the City of Angels. Fallen Angels was written by Isabel Evans, Adam Pincus, and Brent Katz. Isabel Evans is our producer.

[48:35.70 - 48:57.26]

Brent Katz is co-producer. Associate producers are Hannah Leibowitz, Lockard and Anpaho Locke. Executive producers are me, Paul Pringle, Joe Piccarello, and Adam Pincus for Best Case Studios. Original music is by James Newberry. This episode was edited by Max Michael Miller with assistance from Daniel Turek and Nisha Venkat.

[48:57.40 - 49:19.82]

Additional editing, sound design, and additional music by Dean White. The voice of Sarah is read by Cat Protano, and the voice of Charles is read by Dylan Saunders. Harriet Ryan, Matt Hamilton, Sarah Parvini, and Adam Elmarek are consulting producers. Our iHeart team is Allie Perry and Carl Cadle. Follow and rate Fallen Angels wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 8
[49:23.86 - 49:49.80]

Hi, it's Andrea Gunning, the host of Betrayal. I'm excited to announce that the Betrayal podcast is expanding. We are going to be releasing episodes weekly, every Thursday. Each week, you'll hear brand new stories, firsthand accounts of shocking deception, broken trust, and the trail of destruction left behind. Listen to Betrayal Weekly on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 6
[49:55.42 - 49:59.14]

I'm John Walczak, host of the new podcast, Missing in Arizona.

Speaker 3
[49:59.40 - 50:01.96]

And I'm, Robert Fisher, one of the most wanted men in the world.

Speaker 6
[50:02.08 - 50:14.34]

We cloned his voice using AI. In 2001,. police say I killed my family and rigged my house to explode. Before escaping into the wilderness, police believe he is alive and hiding somewhere. Join me.

[50:14.40 - 50:17.84]

I'm going down in the cave. As I track down clues. I'm going to call the police and have you removed.

Speaker 1
[50:17.84 - 50:20.34]

One of the most dangerous fugitives in the world.

Speaker 3
[50:20.70 - 50:22.80]

Do you recognize my voice?

Speaker 6
[50:23.02 - 50:29.64]

Listen to Missing in Arizona every Wednesday on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your favorite shows.

Speaker 8
[50:30.52 - 50:39.84]

In the early morning hours of September 6th, 2016,, St. Louis rapper and activist Darren Seals was found murdered.

Speaker 3
[50:39.84 - 50:42.72]

That's what they're going to learn. I went for death, I went for nothing.

Speaker 2
[50:42.82 - 50:49.30]

Every day, Darren would tell her, all right, ma, be prepared. They are going to try to kill me.

Speaker 3
[50:49.42 - 50:51.28]

All episodes available now.

Speaker 8
[50:51.68 - 51:00.78]

Listen to After the Uprising, The Murder of Darren Seals on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 3
[51:01.22 - 51:24.00]

In 2009,, Maitrese Richardson was released from the Malibu Lost Hills Sheriff's Station, and she never made it home. Nearly a year later, Maitrese's remains were found in a canyon six miles from the station. Her death is Malibu's greatest unsolved mystery. I'm Dana Goodyear in Lost Hills, Dark Canyon. What happened to Maitrese Richardson?

[51:25.04 - 51:29.90]

Listen on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
