S04 - Trailer

2024-03-21 00:02:23

Serial returns with a history of Guantánamo told by people who lived through key moments in Guantánamo’s evolution, who know things the rest of us don’t about what it’s like to be caught inside an improvised justice system. Serial Productions makes narrative podcasts whose quality and innovation transformed the medium. “Serial” began in 2014 as a spinoff of the public radio show “This American Life.” In 2020, we joined the New York Times Company. Our shows have reached many millions of listeners and have won nearly every major journalism award for audio, including the first-ever Peabody Award given to a podcast. Subscribe to our newsletter for the latest Serial Productions news: https://bit.ly/3FIOJj9 Have thoughts or feedback on our shows? Email us at serialshows@nytimes.com

Speaker 2
[00:01.38 - 00:06.34]

Right after September 11th, we created a brand new criminal justice system at Guantanamo

[00:06.34 - 00:10.82]

Bay, a prison and a court to deal with people we suspected of being terrorists.

[00:11.34 - 00:15.48]

To do what we wanted to do at Guantanamo, we pushed aside the old rules for detaining

[00:15.48 - 00:21.34]

prisoners of war so we could interrogate people how we wanted and hold them indefinitely without

[00:21.34 - 00:22.42]

charging them with a crime.

[00:23.48 - 00:26.22]

Maybe you have an idea of what it's like to work at Guantanamo Bay.

[00:26.98 - 00:28.02]

Put that aside for a second.

Speaker 4
[00:28.02 - 00:30.40]

You know, you're on 42 square miles.

[00:30.56 - 00:32.36]

You've got like five great beaches.

Speaker 2
[00:32.60 - 00:34.02]

I partied my ass off in Gitmo.

[00:34.34 - 00:36.52]

Everyone was getting drunk and getting laid.

Speaker 4
[00:36.78 - 00:37.92]

I mean, I love Gitmo.

[00:38.18 - 00:40.66]

Like it's, it's la-la land.

Speaker 7
[00:41.32 - 00:42.66]

We're like a Disneyland employee.

Speaker 2
[00:45.88 - 00:48.50]

Hmm, let's, let's talk about that comparison there.

Speaker 7
[00:48.54 - 00:50.00]

Oh no, that was a joke.

[00:50.12 - 00:51.00]

Definitely a joke.

[00:51.30 - 00:52.98]

It's nothing like, nothing like Disneyland.

Speaker 5
[00:53.82 - 00:57.10]

Our mission today is to provide safe, humane, legal, and transparent.

Speaker 2
[00:57.10 - 01:01.48]

The U.S. government has its own story about what's been happening inside Guantanamo all

[01:01.48 - 01:01.98]

these years.

Speaker 5
[01:02.14 - 01:03.26]

Safe, legal, transparent.

[01:03.50 - 01:04.06]

Transparent care.

[01:04.06 - 01:05.16]

Transparent care, custody, and control.

Speaker 2
[01:05.62 - 01:10.34]

But we wanted the people who served at Guantanamo and survived Guantanamo to tell their stories.

[01:11.04 - 01:14.68]

Now that they've left Guantanamo, what would they say now that they couldn't say then?

[01:15.40 - 01:16.54]

A lot, as it turns out.

Speaker 5
[01:17.42 - 01:17.86]


Speaker 2
[01:18.50 - 01:20.32]

Simply put, it was chaotic.

Speaker 1
[01:20.38 - 01:22.22]

You think your Allah is going to help you?

[01:22.30 - 01:24.44]

You think your Quran is correct?

[01:24.58 - 01:25.94]

You know, it's a bunch of garbage.

[01:25.94 - 01:26.82]

It's a bop-bop.

Speaker 6
[01:26.96 - 01:27.22]


Speaker 2
[01:27.40 - 01:27.86]

What rights?

[01:28.64 - 01:30.64]

Nobody knows you exist here.

Speaker 5
[01:31.32 - 01:32.14]

He wasn't tortured.

[01:32.32 - 01:33.54]

He wasn't physically beaten.

[01:33.80 - 01:34.74]

He wasn't tortured.

[01:35.16 - 01:39.04]

He was beaten in the respect that we won, he lost.

Speaker 6
[01:39.32 - 01:44.02]

So when you are tortured by someone who doesn't believe in total, how can this guy who believes

[01:44.02 - 01:45.74]

in human rights doing this to me?

Speaker 3
[01:46.48 - 01:52.30]

This is something that they would never have made public, but the day of the riot, morale

[01:52.30 - 01:57.08]

was never higher because we got to kick their asses and get away with it.

[01:57.52 - 01:58.86]

And that's the God-honest truth.

Speaker 2
[02:00.40 - 02:05.20]

From Serial Productions and The New York Times, this is Serial Season 4, Guantanamo, hosted

[02:05.20 - 02:09.40]

by me, Sarah Koenig, and Dana Chivis, coming March 28th.

[02:09.72 - 02:12.60]

Listen on The New York Times audio app or wherever you get your podcasts.

[02:13.90 - 02:15.28]

Is Guantanamo even still open?

[02:15.50 - 02:16.40]

Are you asking me?

[02:16.42 - 02:17.20]

Are there still prisoners there?

[02:17.38 - 02:17.68]


[02:17.82 - 02:18.16]


[02:18.56 - 02:19.16]

Yeah, yeah.

[02:19.26 - 02:20.16]

Oh my God.

Unknown Speaker
[02:20.16 - 02:20.56]

Oh my God.
